This policy aims to set out the principles that underpin our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

1. Policy Statement

As one of Australia’s leading sustainable flooring companies, Signature Floors understands that there is a limit to the world’s resources and that every decision we make has a clear consequence on future generations.

  • We are committed to operating ethically, with integrity and responsibly, creating long term value for the communities we serve.
  • We partner with global factories that meet our strict sustainability requirements.
  • Our products are produced with the latest sustainable technologies and are designed for disassembly.
  • We comply with Australia’s environmental standards and work with industry accredited bodies.
  • We agree that corporate, social and environmental responsibility goes beyond the point of sale and warranty periods.

Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility enables us to deliver on this and fulfil our purpose of taking the lead in delivering sustainable initiatives.

2. Policy Principles

The requirements of this Policy are to:

  • Behave at all times with high ethical standards and in compliance with applicable legal andregulatory requirements;
  • Preserve the health, safety and welfare of our people, customers and suppliers;
  • Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and treat everyone fairly and with dignity and respect, regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or cultural background;
  • Integrate environmental, social, ethical and economic considerations in our planning, investments, corporate strategies and the products and services we offer;
  • Actively prevent and reduce harmful and negative social, economic and environmental impacts from our business;
  • Identify, manage and respond to social, environmental, governance or economic risks to our business;
  • Create positive value for our business, customers, and suppliers through our practices, products and services;
  • Monitor our environmental and social performance to ensure evidence-based decision making and continuous improvement;
  • Meet reporting obligations around our social, ethical and environmental performance;
  • Work with our partners and suppliers to consider social, environmental and ethical performance as part of responsible sourcing decisions, and have no tolerance for modern slavery in our operations or supply chain; and
  • Foster trusted relationships and opportunities to listen to and collaborate with our people, customers, suppliers, the community and other stakeholders towards our corporate responsibility aims.
  • Uphold our responsibility to use and manage public resources properly.

3. Policy Support and Administration

This policy aligns to and complements other Signature Floors’ policies – including our Product Stewardship Policy and Lifecycle Management Plan, Modern Slavery Policy, Code of Conduct and our human resources and workplace safety policies, as well as additional information that is available on the Signature Floors website.

This policy is supported by our certifications, accreditations and memberships, these being Global Green Tag™, Declare, contribution to the WELL Building Standard, membership of the Green Building Council Australia, Carpet Institute of Australia, International Living Future Institute, Floor Covering Institute of Australia and the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation.

This policy applies to Signature Floors’ directors, employees and contractors. Signature Floors expects all those who have or seek to have a business relationship with the Company to familiarise themselves with this policy and to act in a way that is consistent with its core values.

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